She said goodbye to her husband forever, but opening the coffin immediately stopped the ceremony

the death of the elderly Antonio surprised everyone because the man despite his 70 years old felt great and looked much younger than his age he was constantly engaged in sports and 30 year old guys could Envy his energy but hisage took its toll and Antonio died ofacute heart failureAntonio and his wife Elena had beenmarried for almost 50 years were quitewealthy and lived in a large housebut since they could not have childrentheir faithful friend and family memberwas their young maid Sarah to whom theybequeathed all their possessionsthe couple she was like the daughterthey never hadwhen her spouse died Helena washeartbroken but Sarah was always thereto support the womanHelena arranged a lavish ceremony to saygoodbye to her husband so everyone wouldremember what he was likethe news of his death quickly spreadtheir family was known and respected shefelt that her husband deserved the bestthe funeral was attended by many guestsincluding some of the most high-rankingand famous people in townindeed their family had tremendousprestige the elderly woman wasinconsolable her faithful assistant waswith her every minute hugging andcomforting the womanbefore the coffin was about to belowered into the pit Helena asked thegravediggers for one last look at herhusbandshe opened the top and bottom Lids ofthe coffin to see her beloved’s bodythoroughlyat that moment she saw an unfamiliarcufflink on her shirt sleevethis caught her attention and she lookedclosely at the other sleeve which to hersurprise had nothing on itstill in shock from the pain of the lossHelena suddenly remembered that she hadseen this cufflink before and itcertainly didn’t belong to her husbandthe woman hesitated about what to do butnot long after she realized that she hadto solve this strange mystery before sheburied her husbandshe ordered the gravediggers to stop andasked them to return her belovedhusband’s body to the morgueElena changed her face in seconds froman expression of grief to regret andresent themwe just began to look at each other noone understood what had happenedto many it seemed crazy but some thoughtit was just a reaction to the pain adenial of what was happening and thewoman just wanted to be able to see herhusband for a few more daysbe that as it may the funeral was overand people began to leave inbewilderment the widows said nothing toanyone not even her beloved maid Sarahfrom whom she and her husband had longconcealed absolutely nothingSarah insisted that the man be buriedand allowed to rest in peace but Helenacategorically refused and although thefuneral company workers also asked whathappened and if she was sure of what shewas doing the woman asked them to do asshe wanted promising to pay them doublesHelena also specified that her husbandshould lie in a morgue where she couldpick him up at any timeHelena thanked everyone who came to saygoodbye to her husband apologized andsaid that dire reasons caused herdecision and that she would warneveryone when the official funeraloccurredeveryone present gave her theircondolences and the woman headed for thecara lost sight of her she took a cab andheaded for the owner’s housebut to her surprise the Widow hadalready changed her clothes and gonesomewhere she didn’t take a cab insteadshe got behind the wheel herselfit wasn’t like Helena who very rarelydrove a car but today she didn’t wantanyone to see where she was going20 minutes later Helena arrived at herdestinationit wasn’t a tall apartment buildingEleanor went up to the third floor tookthe key out of her purse and opened theapartment door she’d only been in a fewtimes beforethe apartment was tidy but Helena beganrummaging around for answers to herquestions and very soon she got themin one of the drawers in the bedroom shefound a small box by opening it Helenafound a second cuff link missing fromher husband’s shirtin the Box Helena discovered a note thatread beloved Antonio this gift I haveprepared for youI look forward to you finally beingwidowed and we will no longer need tohide our feelings with love your SarahHelena was seething insideshe was in the apartment they had oncegiven to their maid Sarahshe remembered accidentally walking intoher faithful assistant’s room one dayand seeing those cufflinks she thenasked whose cufflinks they were andSarah replied that she’d bought them fora loved onethese words and the note made it clearto the woman that her husband was notthe faithful and sinless man she thoughthe was and her helper was not like adaughter to them they simply laughed ather hoping she would die as soon aspossibleHelena had noticed her husband’s concernfor Sarah on several occasions but she’dalways dismissed his paternal feelingsfor the young 27 year old but it turnedout to be something entirely differenthow stupid I was they were just waitingfor me to die so they couldn’t hide thelove affair any longer Helena mutteredto herself Helena it was even more upsetthan she’d been at the funeral took thecufflink and placed it in her bag beforereturning home calm and focusedthe next day the deceived Widow went tothe family lawyer and changed her willafter her husband’s death she solelyowned everything and after her death alltheir property and Fortune were to go toSarah but not nowunder the new will she divided all theproperty among her employees excludingSarah and ordered her to take away hergifted apartment which was notregistered in her namewhen all the paperwork was done shecalled the funeral companyshe ordered that her husband’s body beplaced in the simplest coffin now thatthe funeral be held in another Cemeterywhere the poor are buriedwhen Sarah arrived at the announcedfuneral she found only Helena and thegravediggersshe couldn’t understand what was goingon or what her lover was doing in suchan ugly coffinshe was also surprised that no one hadcome to this Cemetery which was sodifferent from the private one where hewas to be buried the day beforeHelena opened the casket again took outthe second cufflink and handed it toSarah adding don’t you think something’smissing here dearthe girl turned pale realizing thatHelena who bought she was her daughterknew the whole truthSarah couldn’t stand the woman’s gazeand ran awayon the other hand Helena did not waitfor the burial of her husbandshe could not find it in herself toforgive Antonioher whole past life had turned to dustin an instant and she had to start oversuch a sad storytell us what you think about it in thecomments and remember to subscribe tothe channelsee you soon

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