A man installed video cameras in his home and watched what his wife did at home in his absence. What he saw significantly changed the man’s relationship with his wife.
The man shared with his followers on Instagram footage from a video camera he secretly installed in two places in his apartment: the kitchen and the bedroom. The idea to install the cameras came when his wife, who was not working, was tired and unhappy almost all the time. The man began to suspect his wife of infidelity and decided to find out the cause of his wife’s constant headaches in such a devious way.
Only a week later, the man decided to review the recordings, and what he saw surprised him: his wife spent her days doing housework: it turned out that every day she washed the floor, vacuumed the furniture, cooked, ironed clothes, etc.
The man was convinced of his wife’s faithfulness, he understood why she was tired, but could not understand the reason for her dissatisfaction. After talking to his wife, the man realized that she greatly lacked attention, basic gratitude and small gifts.
The man sincerely believed that perfect order and cleanliness in the house was a natural phenomenon, and that it would only take about an hour to prepare the first, second and compote. In addition, the man himself had never gone to the grocery store, but with the help of notes he saw how heavy the bags his wife brought every other day were.
Now the man does the grocery shopping himself.